Explore this collection of FREE self-guided tools designed to aid and empower you on your journey.

Free tools

Creative Crossroads: Art Journaling through Life Transitions

Want to make sense of the changes happening in your life?

Prompts to help you journal your way through it.

Grab your art supplies and get exploring!

Rise Stronger Together: The Essential Guide to Cultivating a Supportive Network

Embrace the power of community!

Major life changes can be daunting, but you’re not alone in this journey.

Start building a support network that empowers you. 

Find Your Freedom:The Guilt-free Beautiful Boundaries Journal 

A guide for women to hone and honor their own boundaries

Thought-provoking questions to evoke awareness, identity vulnerable spots, facilitate growth, reframe the situations, practice new boundaries and how to hold them, lovingly.

10 Bonus Prompts to help you envision the future and how creating boundaries to clearly communicate your needs will increase your confidence, physical, mental, and emotional health.

Unleash your inner innovator: awaken your creativity with these 5 right-brain exercises

Break free from overthinking, tap into your right brain, and let your ideas flow freely

Spark fresh ideas effortlessly with engaging exercises designed to ignite your creative spark.

Rediscover joy in creating as you explore playful exercises that stimulate your mind in unexpected ways.

Learn more

If you’d like some support on your journey of self-discovery and living authentically, learn more about how my unique coaching approach that combines scientifically proven techniques with creative self-expression can help you reach your goals.  

let's work together